3850 Shore Dr. Suite 315 Indianapolis, IN 46254
317-429-0061 - Office 317-222-1953 - Fax
Indy Transitions Addiction Recovery is one of the only non-hospital affiliated comprehensive outpatient treatment programs. We offer a team of Addiction Recovery specialists including nurse case managers, certified addiction providers (including physicians and other clinicians), and mental and behavioral health providers to treat all aspects of the substance abuse spectrum.
Appointments After you come in and fill out paperwork we will have to verify your Insurance. We accept most major insurances including the Healthy Indiana Plans. Depending on the patient’s insurance plan, we see them either twice a month or monthly, alternating between doctor visits and therapy visits, in order to treat both the physical and mental aspects of recovery.
Treatment We are a weaning program, that offers a comprehensive out-patient treatment program including stabilization on buprenorphine/naloxone medication, individualized titration plan, and long term recovery plan including continued mental health counseling and Naltrexone to maintain sobriety.
Individual Plans No one situation is the same as the other, so they should not be treated in the exact same way. Our care is not cookie cutter because each patient is unique, so we create an individualized plan encompassing all aspects of each patients specific addiction recovery issues. Our motto is we do not trade one addiction for another. We are experts in dealing with mental illness related addiction issues as well
Making an Appointment We are patient/client centered. Our approach is to identify patient need and work at the patients pace. If you are interested feel free to come in anytime during our open hours and fill out paperwork. Make sure to bring a copy of your ID and Insurance card. We look forward to servicing you and/or your family members.