3850 Shore Dr. Suite 315 Indianapolis, IN 46254
317-429-0061 - Office 317-222-1953 - Fax
What We Do The Indy Pain program was created to meet the needs of patients with acute and chronic pain issues. We make the diagnoses and can identify the right treatment by identifying all the specific causes of pain in each individual. We then can create a tailored treatment program using a multifocal approach. We integrate all the pertinent treatment considerations into a comprehensive treatment program for each patient. We initiate medication regimens that help treat all the associated issues that are created by and related to your pain such as insomnia, anxiety, depression, etc.
Therapy Sessions We also integrate mental health counseling into our treatment program since pain plays a significant part in ones’ mental health. We have therapists that are available in the office or that can make in home visits (if covered by insurance) to fit in best with your needs.
Tailoring to Your Needs Since pain is subjective and each patient has a different tolerance for their pain, we base our overall considerations on your current level of activity and what your goal is when your pain is under control with respect to employment, activity, social interactions, etc. Correlating your functionality with your pain management is the best way to assess how well your pain management program is addressing your needs. We understand that some of our recommendations may have been a previous part of a pain management plan however, we believe that by identifying all the causes and treating each one specifically, the combined therapies act together to improve your control and functionality. Each patient plan is slowly initiated, and additional modalities and treatments are integrated based on the response and reaction. Patients are taught to recognize both the beneficial as well as the detrimental effects of different medications and our goal is to obtain adequate effect and functionality for each patient.
Doing Your Part Compliance with our treatment recommendations is an integral part of pain management. We recognize the significant political and societal concerns regarding controlled substance prescribing and adhere strictly to all the current guidelines and mandates for ethical yet medico-legally appropriate care.
Examples of Our Comprehensive Treatment Include:
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
TENS units/Braces
Referrals as necessary (Invasive pain management groups, ortho, etc.)